Conservative bloggers and commentators agree: Rick Perry took a beating at the CNN-Tea Party Express debate.
With all the candidates coming at the field?s frontrunner, the attacks on Perry and his responses consumed Monday night. But they also showed the hard road the Texan will have to climb to the GOP nomination: all his rivals put his campaign on defense by mining his decade-long record in Texas, including his stances on vaccinating girls against HPV, opposing a border fence and attacking Social Security.
Continue ReadingConservative columnist Mona Charen put it bluntly: ?It was a bad night for Perry,? she wrote at National Review, noting that Monday was likely the first time a national audience learned about these issues.
The Daily Caller?s Matt Lewis pointed out the range of the Perry attacks: by Mitt Romney from the left on Social Security, and from the right from Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum over the HPV vaccine and his support for legislation to give the children of illegal immigrants in-state college tuition.
Play that out through the primaries, Lewis wrote, and things aren?t looking good for Perry.
?If this trend continues, one can understand how Mitt Romney ? whose ideas might otherwise be perceived as being too moderate for primary voters ? could conceivably divide and conquer,? Lewis wrote.
Hot Air?s Ed Morrissey rated Perry?s showing in Monday?s debate ? Perry?s second ? as more lackluster than his debut last week at the Reagan Library in the debate sponsored by NBC News and POLITICO.
?Overall, Perry improved his delivery, but that didn?t keep him from having a tougher time in this debate,? Morrissey wrote. ?Like last week, Perry?s energy seemed to flag in the second half before catching a second wind near the end. And while the issues that allowed his opponents to score points have been known for quite a while, Perry seemed strangely unprepared for the attack, perhaps most on Gardasil and Merck.?
Another potential problem for Perry: the debate not only exposed how problematic Perry?s record might prove and Romney?s path to victory by stressing electability, but also breathed life back into the Bachmann campaign, which had languished since her strong debut and win at the Ames Straw Poll last month.
Bachmann won plaudits for her assault of Perry on the HPV issue, where she declared: ?To have innocent little 12-year-old girls be forced to have a government injection through an executive order is just flat out wrong.?
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