Over the past few months, God has been revealing to me and our leadership team His plans for our church to enter into a story already being written. This story involves something that for many has been reserved as a "private matter." It's something that some have a difficult time understanding why the church would be involved.
It has to do with children. Most churches are very positive toward children. We promote "family friendly" activities, events and ministries. Many have distinct children's ministries that feature camps, children's church and the mainstay of Baptist life - Vacation Bible School.
It's not that we do not love children. In fact, we do. It's just that there is a group of children in our community and throughout the world that we often do not talk about. These are the children living in orphanages and foster homes.
The question we are asking is "What is the church to do?"
I am convinced that God desires us not to simply give an offering a couple of times a year for orphan care (though we will continue to give financially.) I am saddened that many churches have left care for children in our society up to governmental agencies.
Why is it that we allow the Angelina Jolie's of the world to be the image of adoption? Isn't adoption and rescuing children a mandate for the church?
Many in our tribe are pro-life, as we are. We are adamently opposed to abortion, feeling that life begins at conception. However, beyond protesting abortion and advocating for the unborn, what do we do for those who have been born, but have no home? What about the child who is put up for adoption? What about the child that is in need of a safe home for a season, or a foster family?
Why does it seem that, for the most part, the church is satisfied with leaving orphan care and adoption up to others??
I read this verse recently while studying. I had read it before, but this time it really struck a chord. God spoke through His Word to me when reading this verse and it was very clear.?
James 1:27(ESV)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.?
Pure and undefiled religion. Now that's religion that God loves. Notice that the first item listed has to do with orphans. Visiting orphans. That is not all, there is also listed the ministry to widows and ultimately remaining unstained from the sin of the world (i.e. in the world, but not of it.)
If our commission as Christ-followers is to share the Gospel and make disciples, then wouldn't it make sense for Christians to be heavily involved in the ministry of adopting children who need homes. To rescue children and bring them to Christ is a worthy undertaking.?
I'm not sure how this will look for First Baptist Church, but I do know that we will be "all in." I see a day when there are no children in need of adoption in our county. Why? Because Christ-following families will rescue these children and bring them into their homes. Men and women will become "Mom and Dad" for children who have never known such a relationshiop. Some will experience the love of Christ through a family that heretofore they have never known.
In talking with our friends at the Florida Baptist Children's Homes, this step is vitally needed in our area.
So, the ball is rolling now. Steps are being taken. We will not rush in unprepared. . .but we will rush in.?
Why? Because we must.
Is it any different for believers in our culture to ignore the needs (phsyical, emotional, mental AND spiritual) of children and allow others to deal with it than what the Jewish people did in the Old Testament when they offered up children to false gods such as Molech? That may be an extreme comparison and will probably offend some, but in truth, there's not much difference.?
We, the called out ones, the rescued, the ransomed hearts, the children of God are to offer pure and undefiled worship to the Father. To ignore this aspect (and no, it's not the only one) eliminates our worship from being as pure as it could be.
What will this look like? I'm not sure, but here are some ideas:
- We will offer regularly scheduled MAPP classes here at the church (Apparently, these will soon be called PRIDE classes, but are the same thing. Required by the state in order to adopt.)
- We will offer connection groups for families wishing to adopt or foster children. This will enable couples to talk with and get answers about difficult questions from others who have previously gone through the process.
- We will upgrade and enhance our preschool and children's ministries to be more "user friendly" for families with foster children or children through the Safe Families program.
- We will offer training and information for any wishing to adopt or foster children.?
- We will educate church members about this mission and even those who cannot adopt of foster will be invited into the story. Every Christ-follower can be an advocate.
- Hopefully, through partnerships with other ministries, we will be able to offer scholarships or donations for families wishing to adopt. (This will be a huge faith step and maintained by an off site ministry.)
- International adoption will be an option and we want to help in the process. Whether this is through the China Nest of Hope or our mission in Haiti or some other location, we will offer step-by-step information on how, why, and what needs to be done.
- We will celebrate births of babies in our church family. We will celebrate the adoption of babies into families (regardless the age of the child.)
- We will be more involved in orphan care through the Children's Home here in Jacksonville as well as international orphanages.
- We will be an advocate for special needs adoptions.
- We will be an advocate for multi-racial adoptions.
- Etc. (This covers all the many things we haven't even thought of, but God already has in the works.)
We understand that adopting or fostering a child doesn't make a person a "super Christian." We do believe, however, that all believers can be involved in this mission. It's not a new mission. It's living the Gospel where God has placed us.
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